Information at Your Fingertips
Online and Offline Applications
The Med World Live ONLINE application allows you to view your entire library of videos using a Wi-Fi internet connection, and is available at the App Store and on Google Play. To access your video library on a mobile device, download the ONLINE version of the Med World Live app and login with your userid & password. The ONLINE applications will auto-save your login credentials upon login and will maintain your access for the current session. After logging out of the app, you will be required to re-enter your userid and password upon your next login. Tip: Viewing videos via the ONLINE application requires a strong Wi-Fi connection
Get the Online App:
Our OFFLINE application allows you to download video "hardsets" locally to your mobile device(s) so you can continue to access the videos without an internet connection. To access hardsets, download the OFFLINE version of the Med World Live application and login with your userid & password. The OFFLINE application will auto-save your login credentials, enabling you to simply tap login in future sessions to access your OFFLINE hardset video library. Upon login, you will see all of the offline hardset videos you are authorized to download. Please note that not all videos in your online library may be available as hardsets.
Get the Offline App: